Things we do at home — Daily Korean expressions

Spending more and more time at our own home now is the new normal since the pandemic broke out last year. What have you been doing at home? This article is going to be about daily Korean words or expressions on things that we often do at home, right from when we wake up in the morning until we have our late-night snack at night. 다 같이 집에서 하루를 보내자~ (Let’s spend a day at our homes today!)
To get up = 일어나다
To get up early = 일찍 일어나다
To get up late / to sleep in = 늦게 일어나다 / 늦잠(을) 자다
To use one’s phone while lying down = 누워서 핸드폰을 보다/하다
To wash one’s face = 세수하다
To brush one’s teeth = 양치하다
To put on makeup = 화장하다
To make coffee = 커피를 타다
To make breakfast = 아침을 만들다
Breakfast = 아침(식사/밥)
To take online class = 인터넷 강의를 듣다
To study = 공부하다
To work = 일하다
To be at a meeting = 회의하다
Noon — Afternoon
To have lunch = 점심을 먹다
Lunch = 점심(식사)
Lunch time = 점심시간
To nap = 낮잠(을) 자다
To snack on something = 간식을 먹다
To clean = 청소하다
To organize = 정리하다
To vacuum = 청소기를 돌리다
To do laundry = 빨래하다
To exercise = 운동하다
To read = 책을 읽다
To watch TV = TV를 보다
TV = 텔레비전 / 텔레비 / TV
To watch dramas = 드라마를 보다
To watch variety shows = 예능을 보다
To play games = 게임을 하다
To talk with a friend on the phone = 친구랑 통화하다
To chat/gossip = 수다를 떨다
To order delivery = 배달을 시키다
To cook = 요리하다
To have dinner = 저녁을 먹다
Dinner = 저녁(식사)
To eat fruits = 과일을 먹다
To shop online = 인터넷 쇼핑하다 / 온라인 쇼핑하다
To do homework = 숙제하다 / 과제(를) 하다
To work overtime = 야근하다
To remove makeup = 화장을 지우다
To take a shower = 샤워하다
To have a late-night snack = 야식을 먹다
To drink beer = 맥주를 마시다
To sleep = 잠을 자다
End of a day = 하루 끝!
Share with me what you do at home nowadays in the comments! Hopefully everything goes back to normal soon. Stay safe!