Korean Vocabulary — University Edition (5 things Korean students say the most often on campus!)

University = 대학교
Graduate school = 대학원
Campus = 캠퍼스
Department = 학과
Credit = 학점
Major = 전공
Minor = 부전공
Required courses in major = 전공필수과목 (전필)
Electives in major = 전공선택과목 (전선)
Required cultural studies/ liberal arts courses = 필수교양 / 핵심교양
Optional cultural studies/ liberal arts courses = 선택교양 / 기초교양
Before graduating, Korean students must complete 전공필수과목 (required courses) and 전공선택과목 (electives). Also, they need to complete cultural studies (liberal arts) courses — 교양과목/수업. Within 교양과목/수업, there are also required ones, which are called 필수교양 / 핵심교양, as well as electives, which are called 선택교양 / 기초교양.
Start of a semester = 개강
Register for courses = 수강신청을 하다
Tuition = 등록금
Empty period = 공강
If the time between two classes is really long, we can say: 우주 공강
Consecutive classes = 연강 (연속강의)
Lecture = 강의
Attend a lecture = 강의를 듣다
Take attendance = 출석체크(를) 하다
Absence = 결석
Skip class = 수업을 빼먹다 / (학교를/수업을) 땡땡이를 치다
Teaching material = 수업자료
PowerPoint = 피피티 (PPT) / 슬라이드
To present = 발표(를) 하다
Assignment = 과제
Report = 리포트
Essay = 에세이
Research paper = 연구 논문
Mid-term exam = 중간고사
Final exam = 기말고사
Professor = 교수(님)
Teaching assistant = 조교(님)
Freshman = 신입생
Orientation = 오티 (OT) / 오리엔테이션 / 새터 (새내기 배움터)
Retreat = 엠티 (MT) (멤버십 트레이닝)
Graduate student = 대학원생
Senior = 선배(님)
End of semester = 종강
Time off from school = 휴학
Returning to school = 복학
Graduate = 졸업
Dormitory = 기숙사
Dining hall, cafeteria = 학생 식당 (학식)
Lecture hall = 강의실
Student union center = 학생회관
Laboratory = 연구실
Department room = 과방
Club = 동아리
Club room = 동방
Here are 5 sentences that students say the most often on campus🤭
I want to go home. = 집 가고싶다
I’m sleepy. = 졸려
I’m hungry. = 배고파
What should I(we) eat? = 뭐 먹지?
Have you done the assignment? = 과제 했어?