All about Kimchi (30+ types)

In a previous article about Korean food, we talked about different types of Korean food and introduced more than 60 dishes. In this article, we will be talking about the most basic and representative Korean food — Kimchi. When we go to Korean restaurants, we often see cabbage kimchi or radish kimchi. In fact, there are many different kinds of kimchi. Not only vegetables are made into kimchi, but even with seafood. Koreans tend to have different types of kimchi when having different dishes. In different areas of Korea, there are even different and regionally-unique types of kimchi. Here are some of the most common types of kimchi.
배추김치 = Cabbage kimchi
배추겉절이 = Fresh kimchi (without fermentation)
백김치 = White kimchi
보쌈김치 = Bossam kimchi (Wrapped kimchi)
무김치 = Radish kimchi
무말랭이김치 = Seasoned dried radish strips
총각김치 = Chonggak-kimchi (Ponytail kimchi)
깍두기 = Cubed radish kimchi
동치미 = Watery radish kimchi
치킨무 = Pickled radish
열무김치 = Yeolmu-kimchi (Young summer radish kimchi)
나박김치 = Nabak-kimchi (Vegetable and Fruit Water Kimchi)
Other vegetables:
시금치김치 = Spinach kimchi
미나리김치 = Water parsley kimchi
고들빼기김치 = Stem lettuce kimchi
갓김치 = Leaf mustard kimchi
부추김치 = Chives kimchi
깻잎김치 = Perilla leaf kimchi
고춧잎김치 = Cayenne pepper leaf kimchi
고구마줄기김치 = Sweet potato stem kimchi
풋마늘김치 = Garlic scapes kimchi
파김치 = Green onion kimchi
호박김치 = Pumpkin kimchi
우엉김치 = Burdock kimchi
오이소박이 = Cucumber kimchi
더덕김치 = Codonopsis kimchi
도라지김치 = Bellflower root kimchi
해물김치 = Seafood kimchi
전복김치 = Abalone kimchi
굴김치 = Oyster kimchi
오징어젓 = Fermented squid
새우젓 = Fermented shrimp
명란젓 = Pollock roe
조개젓 = Salted clams
간장게장 = Raw crab marinated in soy sauce
간장새우 = Raw shrimp marinated in soy sauce
There are too many different kinds of kimchi, so it is impossible to list them all out. Among the listed types of kimchi, which ones have you tried? Leave me a comment and let me know!