46 Feelings and Emotions Vocabulary in Korean

Scientists say humans have at least 27 different emotions. Often, it’s feels like riding a roller coaster in the course of a day as we feel various emotions. Do you know how to express your feelings and emotions in Korean? Maybe you want to tell your s/o that you are very happy, or you want to tell your friends that you are worried about tomorrow’s interview. Keep reading, as you’ll be able to learn the Korean expressions for the six basic emotions, as well as some common positive and negative emotions.
기분 = feelings, emotions
감정 = feelings
기분이 어때요? = How do you feel?
The 6 basic emotions:
기쁘다 = happy
슬프다 / 속상하다 = sad
두렵다 / 무섭다 = fear, scared
역겹다 = disgust
화나다 / 열 받다 = angry
놀라다 = surprised, shocked
Positive emotions:
기분이 좋다 = in a good mood
즐겁다 = joyful
유쾌하다 = pleasant
행복하다 = happy, content, joyful
설레다 = flutter
만족스럽다 = satisfied, content
뿌듯하다 = proud
안심하다 = with an easy mind, without anxiety
신기하다 = feeling amazed
신나다 = excited
재미있다/ 흥미롭다 = interesting
열정적이다 = passionate
기대하다 = anticipating
Negative emotions:
기분이 안 좋다 / 기분이 나쁘다 = in a bad mood
마음이 무겁다 = heavy-hearted
불쾌하다 = displeased, uncomfortable
우울하다 = low-spirited, melancholy
외롭다 / 쓸쓸하다 = lonely
불만족스럽다 = dissatisfied, discontent
억울하다 = feeling mortified, feeling chagrined
불안하다 = anxious, insecure
걱정하다 = worried
안달하다 = be fussy
두근거리다 = nervous
답답하다 = frustrated
고민하다 = debate, consider
피곤하다 = tired, exhausted
질투하다 = envy
어이없다 / 황당하다 = ridiculous, absurd
짜증나다 = irritated, annoyed
귀찮다 = annoyed
심심하다 / 지루하다 = bored, tedious
창피하다 = embarrassed, ashamed
혼란스럽다 = confused, chaotic
실망하다 = disappointed
아쉽다 = feeling pity
Neutral emotions:
부럽다 = envious
부끄럽다 = shy
궁금하다 = curious
냉정하다 = calm