2 sets of Korean numbers!? | Pure Korean numbers / Sino-Korean numbers / counters

There are two sets of numbers in Korean, pure Korean numbers and Sino-Korean numbers. Other than the difference in pronunciation and script, they are used with different counters as well. Pure Korean numbers, also known as native Korean numbers, are unique numbers in the Korean language. The pronunciation and counting methods of Sino-Korean numbers are very similar to Chinese, as they were borrowed from Chinese a long time ago. Both systems are used on a daily basis, so it is very important to learn their pronunciation and usage, as well as memorizing them.

Several of important points here:
1. The way of combining numbers
Pure Korean numbers: just like English
Ie. Twenty One (스물하나) = Twenty (스물) + One (하나)
Ie. Sixty Eight (예순여덟) = Sixty (예순) + Eight (여덟)
Sino-Korean numbers: split the tens digit into a small math calculation
Ie. Twenty one (이십일) = two (이) + ten (십) + one (일)
Ie. Sixty eight (육십팔) = six (육) + ten (십) + eight (팔)
2. Pure Korean numbers do not have the number ‘zero,’ so use the Sino-Korean ‘zero’, which is 영 or공.
3. Pure Korean numbers stop at 99, so use Sino-Korean numbers to express numbers bigger than 99.

4. Pure Korean numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 20 are slightly modified when combined with counters.
1: 하나 → 한
2: 둘 → 두
3: 셋 → 세
4: 넷 → 네
20: 스물 → 스무
Speaking of counters, you have to use different set of numbers when using different counters. The followings are some commonly used counters for pure Korean numbers and Sino-Korean numbers.
- Counters used with pure Korean numbers:

두 명 = 2 persons
한 봉지 = 1 bag
스무 살 = 20 year-old
- Counters used with Sino-Korean numbers:

삼 개월 = 3 months
일 분 십 초 = 1 minute 10 seconds
칠 월 이십 일 = July 20th
Have you mastered the two systems of Korean numbers? Since both sets are very commonly used in daily life, don’t forget to memorize them! The best way to memorize the numbers is to memorize the numbers along with the counters. It will be easier to grasp when and which system of numbers to use!